Abstracts Submission
You will need to complete:
- Name and complete address including correct email address of the submitting author to whom correspondence will be sent.
- Abstract title: please use capitals only. The title (including spaces) should not exceed 200 characters.
- Category: select one topic from the list provided. Your abstract should be related to the topic.
- Presentation preference: select poster only or no preference.
- Registration of co-authors: please fill out the surnames, initials, institute, city, country and email address of the co-authors. Do not state the main author as a co-author.
- Abstract should be written in Times New Roman font (12)
Abstract structure and content
- The abstract text should be no more than 3500 characters and must be in English.
The following format must be followed
- Background
- Aims
- Methods
- Results
- Conclusions
- Information or concepts expressed must be novel
- Tables, graphics, figures and pictures are not allowed.
- Do not include KEYWORDS
Abstract deadline: October 09, 2023
Abstracts should be sent through the following application or at the following e-mail: congress2023mstm@gmail.com