Welcome to the 6th Congress of Macedonian Society for Transfusion Medicine with international participants
Dear Colleagues,
It is our great pleasure to welcome you at the 6th Congress of Macedonian Society for Transfusion Medicine with international participants that will take place in the Congress Center Aleksandar Palace in Skopje from November 1 till November 4, 2023 organized by the Macedonian Society for Transfusion Medicine. The Congress is supported by the International Society for Blood Transfusion (ISBT) and the first day of the congress November 1, 2023 will be an ISBT Highlight Day, when world-known scientist brought by ISBT will present the novelties in transfusion medicine.
During this great professional event you will have the opportunity to share the results of your researches, hear about the future directions in transfusion medicine at the state of the art lectures and discuss the newest clinical applications designed to improve patient care. The main topics at the Congress will be: blood donation, immunohaematology, blood components, clinical transfusion and haemovigilance, cellular therapies and transplantation medicine, patient blood management, haemostasis and haemostasis disorders, blood safety and quality management in transfusion medicine. We will have a Allied Health Professionals, Nurses and Laboratory Technician Educational Day within the Congress, which will gather a large number of the allied health professionals, nurses and laboratory technicians employed in the blood transfusion centers in the country and abroad. We expect to gather well known scientists and professionals from Macedonia, the region and the other parts of the world.
This Congress will be an excellent possibility for professional networking with colleagues and the representatives of the exhibitors. We will work hard to offer you a stimulating educational and scientific program and provide you with a memorable and engaging social program.
The Congress will take place in Skopje, the capital of North Macedonia, a beautiful city in the south of the Balkans with rich history and a lot of historical monuments, well known generosity and the unique atmosphere in its streets and restaurants.
We are looking forward to welcomе you at the 6th Congress of Macedonian Society for Transfusion Medicine with international participants in Skopje.
Rada M. Grubovic Rastvorceva, MD MSci PhD
President of Congress
Sedula Useini, MD
Vice President of Congress

General Information:
6th Congress of Macedonian Society for Transfusion Medicine with International Participants
1 – 4 November, 2023
Congress Venue: Congres Center Aleksandar Palace, Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia
Congress is supported by International Society for Transfusion Medicine (ISBT)
- Donors and Blood Donation
- Immunohaematology
- Blood Components
- Clinical Transfusion and Haemovigilance
- Patient Blood Management
- Haemostasis and Haemostasis Disorders
- Cellular Therapies and Transplantation Medicine
- Blood Safety
- Quality Management
Претседател на Конгрес / President of the Congress
Rada M. Grubovic Rastvorceva, MD MSci PhD
Потпретседател на Конгрес / Vice President of the Congress
Sadula Useini, MD
Потпретседател на Конгрес / Vice President of the Congress
Elena Petkovic, MD PhD
Почесен одбор / Honorary Committee
First Lady of N. Macedonia Prof. Dr. Elizabeta Gjorgievska
Minister of Health of RNM Dr. Fatmir Medziti
Rector of University Goce Delcev-Shtip Prof. Dr. Dejan Mirakovski
Dean of Faculty of Medical Sciences at UGD Prof. Dr. Milka Zdravkovska
Dean Of Medical Faculty at UKIM Prof. Dr. Svetozar Antovic
Dean of Faculty of Medical Sciences at UT Prof. Dr. Nevzat Elezi
President of Macedonian Medical Association Prof. Dr. Goran Dimitrov
President of Macedonian Medical Chamber Prof. Dr. Kalina Grivceva Stardelova
Prof. Dr. Voskresija Stefanovska
Prof. Dr. Stojanka Kostovska
Prof. dr. Milenka Blagoevska
Prim. Dr. Risto Dukovski
Nasl. Prof. Dr. Vlado Milenkov
Nasl. Prof. Dr. Olga Damevska Todorovska
Prim. Dr. Nikolina Dimoska
Prim. Dr. Mihajlo Balamovski
Prof. Dr. Nikola Kamcev
Dr. Ksenija Todorova
Prim. Dr. Julijana Aleksovska
Prim. Dr. Julija Samonikov Toseska
Dr. Rozmari Kalamaras
Dr. Kire Lazarevski
Dr. Ljiljana Arsova
Dr. Slave Jordanov
Dr. Elizabeta Todorovska
Dr. Kjani Jonuzi
Dr. Gjorgi Gjorgievski
Dr. Lidija Trajkovska Stojanovska
Dr. Stojanka Trifunova
Prim. Dr. Kiro Georgievski
Prim. Dr. Milos Grubovic
Prof. Dr. Perko Kolevski
Организациски одбор / Organizational Committee
Slavica Ortakovska, MD
Zlatka Stojanovska, MD
Ekrem Ismani, MD
Goran Andonov, MD
Suzana Stojkoska, MD
Tatjana Uzunovska, MD
Laura Gorcaj, MD
Jani Angelovski, MD
Florie Raka, MD
Deniza Stambolieva, MD
Bojan Todorovski, MD
Kiril Kacarski, MD
Ninoslav Veljanovski, MD
Mende Surbevski, MD
Pavlina Gerasimova, MD
Elena Ambarkova, MD
Ruse Rajcevski, MD
Научен одбор / Scientific Committee
Elena Petkovic, MD PhD
Anita Hristova-Dimceva, MD PhD
Tatjana Makarovska-Bojadzieva, MD PhD
Emilija Velkova, MD PhD
Koco Dimitrovski, MD PhD
Violeta Dejanova-Ilievska, MD
Meri Shorova, MD
Violeta Neceva, PhD
Интернационален научен одбор / International Scientific Committee
Rada M. Grubovic Rastvorceva, EDQM, Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France
Pierre Tiberghien, President-Elect of International Society for Blood Transfusion, France
Ruchika Goel, John Hopkins University, USA
Riikka Lehtisalo, Finich Red Cross Blood Service, Finland
Sedula Useini, Institute for Transfusion Medicine of RNM, N. Macedonia
Bela Balint, Member of Serbian Academy of Science and Art, Belgrade, Serbia
Aleksandar Mijovic, King’s College Hospital, London, UK
Dragoslav Domanovic, Medical Director of European Blood Alliance, Belgium
Alex Aquilina, National Blood Transfusion Service, Malta
Nigar Ertugrul Oruc, Blood Transfusion Center, MoH, Ancara, Turkey
Dritan Abazovic, President of Global Regenerative Academy, Montenegro/USA
Ana Antic, President of Transfusion Medicine Association of Serbia
Sherri Ozawa, past President of Society for Advancement of Patient Blood Management, USA
Snezana Srzentic, Blood Transfusion Institute of Serbia
Milena Todorović Balint, MD PhD, Clinic for Haematology, Medical Faculty, University of Belgrade
Dusan Vucetic, Military Medical Academy,Serbia
Primoz Rozman, Blood Transfusion Centre, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Генерални секретари / General Secretaries
Danica Daskalovska, DMD
Cvetanka Kocovska, MD